Warm Day!

Thank you to everyone who has been giving me such supportive, sweet comments. I appreciate it so much! It really makes me believe that there are so many good people in the world, despite all the suffering and evil we sometimes see.

Today it is warm and sunny. I have a cold, but I feel calm and restful. I am planning to go read outside for a little bit. The thing I always yearn for most in the world is to feel calm and peaceful. I am usually restless and feel guilty or out-of-place relaxing. So when I can feel calm enough to just read outside in the sunshine and just BE, I am so thankful.

I am going to be starting a book club section later today. 🙂 One of my great loves, besides exercise and dogs ;), is READING. I have read on average a book a week since I was in the third grade or so. I feel guilty watching TV, but reading is a pleasure that I often feel I deserve. And I think whatever you are reading is using your mind and teaching you something.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

In an effort to be more positive, today I am thankful for…

  • Modern communication and that I get to talk to my boyfriend so much!
  • That it is warm and sunny today. I am such a Summer person, I hate the cold!
  • That I am getting more and more responsibilty with the dog rescue I volunteer for.
  • That I went up on my Lamictal again and it is already helping my nerve pain even more. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Warm Day!

  1. Oh my goodness, Katie. My heart goes out to you. I don’t know exactly what you’re going through but on the pain front I have an idea. I’ve been dealing with my knee pain for six years, and I feel like I keep adding problems to my list: two foot injuries, Raynaud’s syndrome, and so on. Reading your past posts, I could totally relate. Walking hurts me, but standing is worse (why is that?!). Driving hurts me too because my knee is bent for too long. And sitting with bent knees for too long hurts, too. I’m so sorry about all of your other problems. I don’t think people get how physically and emotionally tiring it can be.

    I give you credit for trying to be positive. It’s so easy to look at the negatives (how long this has been going on, what you’d rather be doing with your life, etc) but that doesn’t get us anywhere. I’m not great at looking at the positives all the time, but there are things I’m thankful for that I take for granted just as much as some people take walking and standing for granted. You’re stronger than you think you are.

    • Thanks for your comment! I think we are really going through similar things, just how hard it is mentally! I have Raynaud’s too – I wonder if that has to do with anything?
      I am trying to be more positive and be thankful for what I CAN do. I am just curious what you do for exercise? I find the most frustrating thing is to find that balance between feeling afraid of making it worse and exercising for my mind with what I can do. I have a hard time trusting doctors on that one because, like you it seems, I have had a lot of bad experiences!

      Anyway, thanks for commenting. I love your blog and find it really inspiring, I really mean that…I felt so much better the first time I found your blog and a few other injury/illness recovery blogs!

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